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Panicky James Carville: It’s the ‘End of Days’ If Democrats Nominate Bernie Sanders

James Carville is the craggy face of Democrat desperation. On today’s Morning Joe, Carville spoke in literally apocalyptic terms, warning that the Democrat party is “the only thing between the United States and the abyss,” and that if Democrats nominate Jeremy Corbyn [i.e., Bernie Sanders], it’s going to be the “end of days.” 

Our Scott Whitlock caught Carville making similar comments several days ago. But Sanders still has a strong lead in New Hampshire polls, and Biden seems on the verge of utter collapse. So Carville apparently felt the need to renew his desperate appeal to Democrats before they hurl themselves off the electoral bridge.

Carville says he has no interest in a “cult” — suggesting Bernie has one. But Carville’s approach to the obvious fact of Clinton’s aggressive philandering and sexual harassment was to deny it ever existed. “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” he famously said about Paula Jones. 

Here’s the transcript.


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