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14 GOP Lawmakers Sign Letter to DC Mayor Bowser to Fire Deputy Warden Landerkin Who Allows Torture of DC Political Prisoners

By Jim Hoft

There are currently dozens of Trump supporters indefinitely detained without trial at the DC Gulag in Washington DC.

The corrupt DC judges will not allow these men to post bail and many are beaten and regularly abused by the DC prison guards.

The J-6 protesters have been beaten by the Trump-hating guards to within an inch of their lives. The Deputy Warden is a raging leftist who regularly tweets vicious attacks at Trump supporters.
Kathleen Landerkin is Deputy Warden at the DC Gulag.

Landerkin even tweeted about how she wants white Republicans to go extinct.

Landerkin allows Trump supporters to be beaten, neglected, and abused by the prison guards. This has been well documented…



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