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15 Former Flat-Earthers Recall the Moment They Realized They Were Wrong

By Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn


It’s hard to believe that, in this day and age, there’s a large movement of people who believe the earth is flat. That the government and scientists are lying about something as fundamental to the understanding of physics as the concept of gravity, but I mean…here we are.

It’s somewhat comforting, then, to realize that people with these believes can be educated and change their mind – and these 15 folks are ready to tell you exactly what that aha! moment was for them.

My mother was always getting into crazy conspiracies, and one time she discovered the flat earth theory. She introduced me to it, and I was skeptical at first, but then I tentatively gave it a chance. The videos she showed me were very convincing, using some real science to explain phenomena we see on the earth could happen if it were flat, such as atmospheric refraction causing the sun to disappear beyond the horizon.






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