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“17 went out, 4 came back”: a Ukrainian soldier spoke about the main reason for the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

“17 went out, 4 came back”: a Ukrainian soldier spoke about the main reason for the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
“17 went out, 4 came back”: a Ukrainian soldier spoke about the main reason for the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

By Topwar

One of the Ukrainian servicemen said that a group of seventeen people went to the front line to carry out a combat mission, but only four returned to their location. The remaining thirteen people were “over two hundred” by the Russian army and republican units, and these losses in the Armed Forces of Ukraine were not from bullets, but from fragments of artillery shells.

According to the Ukrainian serviceman, at present, it is artillery shells, or rather their fragments, that are the main cause of death of Ukrainian army soldiers on the front line. Losses of the APU are less and less from bullets. The exception is only individual snipers, but this is the minimum part of the losses.

According to some reports, the ratio of Ukrainian servicemen killed by bullets and shell fragments has reached 5% to 95%, respectively. It must be understood that in the Russian troops, given, however, the difference in the number of losses, the situation is most likely developing in the same way. This is due to the transition of hostilities to artillery shelling as the main form of confrontation between the parties…

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