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2013: the Globalist Coup that took the Catholic Church


Which deposed the conservative Pope Benedict XVI and substituted him with the globalist Pope Francis I.

Apocalypse 13:
“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, having two horns, like those of a lamb, but speaking like a dragon. (…)
15 She was also allowed to animate the statue of the beast so that that statue could even speak and could put to death all those who did not worship the statue of the beast.
16 He ensured that everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, received a mark on their right hand and forehead;

17 and that no one could buy or sell without having this mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.”

When, in February 2013, Pope Benedict XVI suddenly and inexplicably resigned, the Vatican central bank (IOR) had been excluded from SWIFT; with this, all the Vatican’s international payments were made impossible, and the Church was treated like a Rogue State (according to the American narrative), like Iran.

It was economic ruin, well prepared by a violent campaign against the IOR, confirmed by the opening of criminal investigations by the Italian judiciary (which never fails to obey certain international orders).

An unsustainable situation for a ”Multinational Company” that boasts 4,851 dioceses and 105 apostolic nunciatures (embassies) spread across all five continents of the world.

There are 455,839 parishes, missions, churches and other religious centers that own land and buildings of all kinds. dimension.

SWIFT (the acronym stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication): in theory, it is a global “clearing house”, which unites 10,500 banks in 215 countries.

SWIFT: The Backbone of World Financial Systems | by Kenes Ayu Kirana | Medium

SWIFT: The Backbone of World Financial Systems

In fact, it is the most hidden and unquestionable center of American-globalist financial power, the blackmail stick on which the hegemony of the dollar is based, the most powerful means of economic and political espionage (especially to the detriment of us Europeans) and the most fearsome means with which global finance crushes the legs of States that do not obey. The central bank of Iran, for example, by Jewish will, was excluded from the SWIFT network in retaliation against the alleged nuclear program.

This means that Iran can no longer sell its crude oil in dollars, that its credit cards are not valid abroad, and that no international financial transaction can be conducted by Tehran except in cash and clandestinely, in illegal forms. according to the international order: in 2014 the French bank BNP Paribas was sentenced by US “justice” to pay (to the US) 8.8 billion dollars for having helped Tehran circumvent the Swift blockade…


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