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2016 Cures Act, Violation of Nuremberg Code?


This is a follow up to a prior post on stunning claims presented last week.

Let’s rewind:

An explosive report last week by Clayton Morris of Redacted revealed claims that the Department of Defense controlled the COVID-19 program from the very beginning.

“According to newly-obtained documents, the Pentagon used a combination of shady approval authorizations that are still in use, including the PREP Act, the emergency use authorization, and other transaction authority (the OTA), all of which shielded Big Pharma, agencies, medical participants that delivered unregulated vaccines from any liability and protected them,” Morris explained.

Watch the full video report from Clayton Morris of Redacted below:

One act of legislation mentioned in the Redacted report was the ‘Cures Act’ and how it eliminated informed consent for participants in clinical trials.

No informed consent?

That sounds like a violation of the Nuremberg Code.

From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential…


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