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20th Anniversary of the Evil Iraq War

20th Anniversary of the Evil Iraq War
20th Anniversary of the Evil Iraq War




An “Almost Daily” Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions, Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Headlines.

“We read and rebut their vile crap, so you won’t have to!”

MARCH 21, 2023


The Children of the Iraq War Have Grown Up, but Some Wounds Don’t Heal.


Iraq, 20 Years Later: A Changed Washington and a Terrible Toll on America


The “paper of record” commemorates the 20th anniversary of the disaster of the Bush-Cheney Iraq War in very sad and stark terms. One front page article tells of the suffering endured by the helpless and innocent people of Iraq:

“Wars leave scars even when people survive with their bodies intact. The metallic whirring of helicopters, the flash of flares, the smell of burning after bombs, the taste of fear, the ache of something lost — all of these linger long after the fighting stops.”

And the other item, also front page, describes what a failure that war for Israel was on the American end:

“The White House, Congress, the military and the intelligence agencies see the war as a lesson in failed policymaking, one deeply absorbed if not thoroughly learned. The war deeply damaged the reputation of the intelligence agencies and heightened skepticism of military leaders.

Today’s Jew York Slimes has got nothing positive to say about an unjust war which grew out of the CIA-Mossad horror show of 9/11. There’s plenty of blame thrown about in the analyses of the great “blunder” — all of it correct, actually. But conspicuously and conveniently absent here is one undeniable, indisputable, historical fact:

Without the printed deceptions and cheerleading of “the paper of record,” the tragedy — which the scribbling scumbags stationed at Sulzberger’s Slimes are now so piously wringing their hands over in mock solemnity — could never and would never have even happened. 

These prominent front page items are akin to an arsonist whinging and whining about the death, suffering and financial losses which a great inferno caused — without telling you that he was actually the one who took great delight in secretly torching the building.

No good, dirty, rotten, lying, murderous BASTARDS!





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