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21 Nations Including Our Allies Are Now Dumping US Debt At An Alarming Rate

By raymondmhor


On July 18th the US Department of The Treasury revealed that the top foreign holders of U.S. Treasury bonds / debt are selling off their holdings at an alarming rate.

Japan, which is #1 holder reduced its U.S. Treasury bonds by $30.4 billion in May.

China reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds by $22.2 billion in May. This marks the second consecutive month of reduction and brings its total holdings close to the historical low of 801.5 billion dollars.

China has been steadily reducing its holdings since August of last year.

But here is the surprising news that everyone should start paying attention to.

In April at least 19 countries globally have sold off U.S. Treasury bonds leading to a reversal in the flow of funds invested in U.S. Securities.

We know about China and Japan.

But …


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