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225,000+ 5G and 4G Small Cells Activated for “private networks” at U.S. Businesses, School Campuses; Some Installed Indoors

By B.N. Frank

Decades of research has determined that exposure to radiation from cell towers and other wireless radiation emitting sources is biologically and environmentally harmful.  In fact, last year, a federal court ruled in favor of organizations and petitioners that sued the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for NOT adequately protecting Americans from wireless radiation exposure from Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G, and other sources.  Despite this ruling, the FCC (see 12345678) as well as other government and state agencies and committees (see 123456, 7) have continued to promote and fund the deployment and densification of 5G, 4G, and public Wi-Fi in communities and rural areas throughout the U.S.  Additionally, businesses and school districts continue to install 5G, 4G, and Wi-Fi for “private networks” too…

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