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25% of Pregnancies in England, Wales End in Abortion

by Dr. Susan Berry

A quarter of all pregnancies in England and Wales end in abortion, according to updated data released Thursday from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

“The percentage of conceptions leading to a legal abortion among all women in England and Wales increased from 24 per cent in 2018 to 25.2 per cent in 2019, the second year in a row this has increased for all age groups,” said the ONS, according to a report at the Daily Mail.

About 207,000 out of 821,000 pregnancies conceived in 2019 were terminated, the highest number since 1990, when ONS began keeping records.

The number of teen abortions is at its highest level, with nearly two-thirds of pregnancies terminated among those 16 years of age and under.

In contrast, rates of births for women over 40 have tripled since the 1990s.

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) said the data suggested a move toward starting families later in life and having fewer children.

“As women are choosing to start and complete their families later in life, they spend a greater proportion of their most fertile years trying to avoid pregnancy,” Clare Murphy, chief executive of the BPAS, said, as reported by the Daily Mail.

“There are a variety of reasons why women are choosing to delay motherhood and have smaller families – these include financial instability, desire to progress at work, and the ever-increasing cost of raising a child,” Murphy, who supports abortion rights, continued.

She added the coronavirus pandemic could “further accelerate these trends.”

Murphy said access to abortion is essential when birth control fails.

“[W]e need to ensure access is as straightforward as possible,” she stated.

The U.K. Department for Health and Social Care released a prior report of abortion figures for 2020 in June. The data found the highest number of annual abortions in the country’s history.

Breitbart News reported:

The UK Abortion Act was passed in 1967, legalising abortion on certain grounds by certified practitioners in England, Wales, and Scotland. The June 10 report reveals that 210,860 abortions were performed in England and Wales during the 2020 calendar year, the highest number since records began.

The 2020 figure replaces the previous record of 209,519 abortions performed during the 2019 calendar year, an increase of 1,341 elective abortions.

The data also revealed at-home, drug-induced abortions had become the most prevalent method of termination, with 85 percent of unborn babies’ lives ended via the drugs.

“We are looking at a national tragedy here,” said Michael Robinson, director of communications for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC). “This catastrophic figure shows us that abortion is becoming more and more normalised [sic].”

“Propaganda telling women that abortion is ‘simple and safe’ coupled with easier access to abortion drugs is driving up abortion numbers,” he added.


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