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40 White Guilt Propaganda Tactics Used by Media and Political Elites to Push for Third World Immigration

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Years ago, ISGP produced a Media Psywar Manual: 54 Tactics the Mainstream and Alternative Media Use to Undermine Conspiracy Thinking. Turns out that the media, as well as politicians and other elites, have been equally productive in developing tactics to silence critics of Third World immigration. In this article every single tactic I have (repeatedly) come across over the years is listed. Unfortunately, going back to look for sources per tactic is way too much time, but I’m quite certain the average reader will recognize many of the tactics described.

Brendi Wells tweeted:


It should be clear that the only way to keep this blatant, ongoing, criminal conspiracy going is through massive psychological warfare campaigns to disinform and intimidate the masses into submission to the Third World immigration agenda. This psywar campaign basically is the equivalent of the one countering conspiracy thinking in western society.

Tactics used by the media, politicians and elites

1. Suppress the vastly higher crime numbers among Third World immigrant groups. Absolutely do not produce any reliable, damning statistics on ethnic crime, as this will provide the public with highly effective ammunition in any public debate.

2. Completely ignore evidence of major genetic IQ variations among races for the very same reason.

3. Counter widely-held opinions and even factual statements on ethnic groups by purposely confusing them with the individual. For example, when the factually correct statement is made that blacks and Arabs have vastly higher crime numbers than native West-Europeans, ask – preferably indignantly – if immigrant X or Y is a criminal or counter with a statement along the lines as, “Yes, but not every immigrant is a criminal. We shouldn’t be prejudiced.” In other words: people are supposed to ignore statistics.

4. Purposely confuse Arab, African and Latin American immigration, which results in greatly heightened crime numbers and cultural clashes, with inter-Western immigration (from Scotland to the U.S., for example) that leads to hardly any of these problems.

5. Ignore foreign news on immigrant clashes with the police or native whites, unless they are too large to ignore. To illustrate, it has happened many times that in the “alt-right” news I read about Jihadi-inspired violence against whites in places as Great Britain or Sweden (including links to local mainstream sources), but that the Dutch press, including the Netherlands’ largest news aggegrate website, (controlled by a Bilderberg company), was completely silent about it.

6. Ignore the enormous frustration among the masses with regard to immigration, especially in major West-European cities. Just brush off all criticism as the misguided opinions of individuals, or, in case the whole country is on fire, as equally misguided “populism”, a vague, derogatory and highly insulting term once again meaning that people are simply misguided.

7. Refuse to report that international protests against conservative / anti-immigrant political candidates and leaders, especially Donald Trump, are largely organized by institutes financed by elite liberal foundations with a combined worth of about $150 billion.

8. Ignore the fact that people today are brainwashed into thinking that it is normal that neither in Europe nor North America political parties exist that are both pro-liberal globalist and pro-EU while also being staunchly anti-immigration, leaving the people divided between opposite extremes.

9. Intimidate the masses by staging pro-immigration protests in which participants continuously and irrationally use slurs as “racist”, “hater”, “Nazi” and “Islamophobe” against anyone opposing unrestrained Third World immigration. With this tactic, factional, rational and productive debates that would expose flaws in logic are thwarted.

10. Label critics of Third World immigration as having “fear” of foreign cultures, a “fear of what they do not know”.

11. Hide as much as possible polls revealing that the overwhelming majority of native white citizens is completely against any additional Third World immigration.

12. Whenever polls are conducted that reveal how native white citizens are completely against any additional Third World immigration, do not make clear what percentage of the sample involves 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation Third World immigrants.

13. Similarly with these polls, do not pay attention to the fact that tons of people, especially those watching the evening news every night, feel intimidated to say there are “too many” immigrants, probably explaining why year after year generally 30-35% of Europeans say that “there are just enough immigrants” – on top of the 50-55% who say there are “too many”.

14. However, do point out with these polls that “educated” and “young” people are more “tolerant” of Third World immigrants than “uneducated” and “old” people.

15. On television, always focus on “model immigrants” who speak and behave properly, who want people to “be positive”, “accepting” and “not fearful”, and want to “work together” with the native white people.

16. For television, do specials on “model immigrants” who are “grateful” to have been allowed into the country, have almost perfectly adopted to the native culture, and preferably have been taken in for some time by an “open minded” native white “guest family” of “model citizens”.

17. Repeat every night on the evening news how we have a civic duty to help take care of the streams of refugees from the Arab world and dark Africa, for example because they will be killed in their own country.

18. Never-ever talk about when these Third World political refugees might be going home again.

19. Introduce pointless debates that talk around the facts (such as racial crime and IQ statistics), so that discussions can continue forever without solution, while at the same time giving us the illusion that freedom of speech is being exercised. Preferably introduce terms as “triggering” and “micro-aggressions” to antagonize and ridicule the other side of the table, which in turn plays into these buzzwords. Obviously, we’re making reference here to NGO-tied, “liberal CIA”-type, private intelligence operations to divide the masses in the West.

20. Put the whole country on edge by analyzing every statement on ethnicity as a potentially racist comment, which helps in preventing any discussion about Third World immigration.

21. Do not allow any kind of discussion on racial differences, not even when it involves scientifically verifiable “positive racism”, such as blacks from West-Africa having more fast-twitch muscles or blacks from East-Africa having more natural endurance.

22. Introduce the term “scientific racism” when you can’t win the debate on ethnic IQ and ethnic or cultural crime numbers. I suddenly saw the “liberal CIA” Vox Media do that some time after I produced my ethnic IQ article. Must be a coincidence, as earlier I couldn’t find a word in the “alt-left” media about this, or even the “alt-right”.

Introducing yet another little buzzword like that is quite smart. It allows elites to more comfortably ignore key data while putting any messenger immediately on the defensive. You mention black crime numbers? “Stop! … Racist!” You mention crime and cultural issues with Muslim immigrants? “Stop! … Islamophobe!” You criticize all Third World immigration? “Stop! … Hater!” You bring up ethnic IQ numbers? “Stop! … That’s scientific racism!” The term is very silly though. Facts are still facts, no matter what real or imagined emotions a messenger might have. Someone must be getting desperate.

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To illustrate further, Hitler’s crusade against the Jews was not based on scientific fact, nor was the elitist “Anglo-Saxon” or “Nordic” propaganda of the Eastern Establishment that preceded and inspired it. Elites can never get things right, it appears. And maybe that is not a coincidence.

23. Refuse to cristicize or even acknowledge the increasingly common racism of the Third World cultures or U.S blacks towards whites. Calling white poeple “white boy”, “boy”, “honky”, “cracker”, “cheesehead”, “tatta” shouldjust be laughed off as something innocent while a white man calling a black man “boy” is the end of the world as we saw with the 2017 press conferences with Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather.

24. Ignore studies revealing that non-whites as blacks and Muslims domestically and in many places of the world are more racist than white people. Again, for the very same reason to prevent giving the masses lethal ammunition during political debates.

25. Allow minority groups, especially blacks, to continue to have their own publications and social events, despite the fact that we live in an era with numerous black superstars, movie actors and politicians, including a U.S. president (and that in a country that only is 11% black).

26. Allow minority groups to claim that they are suppressed by white people, such as with the Black Lives Matter movement, without pointing out their own vastly heightened crime numbers, higher levels of racism, and overall lack of education and culture.

27. Allow the entire world to be proud of their race or culture, except white people. A good example would be MMA fighter Cain Velasquez, who, without issue, can fight with a “Brown Pride” tattoo on his chest, while white Americans can hardly wear rebel flag caps (as a symbol of country lifestyle) without being called out about it or even being assaulted for it. Thus, do not allow whites to have any acceptable non-Hitlerite cultural symbols to rally and unify behind.

28. Refuse to acknowledge that modern “white pride” feelings in 95% of cases don’t have the slightest bit to do with sympathies for Hitler, but much more with a desire to retain quickly-eroding white culture.

29. Suppress unemployment numbers among Third World immigrant groups. And when you do bring it up, mention that “racial bias” is probably the main cause.

30. When it comes to Muslims in Europe, limit discussions of widespread religious extremism, including anti-West feelings, Sharia support, and hatred of homosexuals and Jews.

31. Always point out Muslim extremists are “isolated cases” who apparently caught some kind of infectious disease (“he just got radicalized”) or, at the very least, involves a problem that can be solved. Muslim support for suicide bombings and overall religious extremism is rather widespread.

32. Always be quick to point out that the latest Muslim terrorist “only acted alone” without acknowledging that the policy of bringing in millions of Muslim immigrants into the West is the primary cause of this permanent terror threat. This is slightly different from ignoring the widespread anti-West feelings among Muslims (or sticking to the “lone nut” theory), because even if only 1 in 100 Muslims can be considered “radical” the immigration numbers still amount to several hundred thousand “radical” “individuals”.

33. Hide the names, and with that the nationality, of criminals in the media when reporting on the most recent crimes.

34. Never discuss that the removal of Gaddafi and the related rise of ISIS, which opened the floodgates to millions of political refugees, might be something elites would actually consider a good thing. Or why the European Union can’t stop the truck convoys on North Africa’s shores before their cargo is put into boats en route to Europe. This strategy would be a game-changer, as apparently the law of the seas requires the European Union to bring refugees to European shores.

35. Always ignore the fact that the endless demonizing by politicians and the media of their own native white people actually represents the “hate” and “racism” they accuse theese white masses of.

36. Feign innocence that this demonizing climate of “populist” candidates largely led to the murder of key prime ministerial candidate Pim Fortuyn in 2002 and is a major threat to politicians as Donald Trump, as it almost guarantees that people are going to try to murder these individuals. In early 2017 the Dutch “populist” prime ministerial candidate Geert Wilders was the target of a failed plot involving Muslim Moroccans who had infiltrated the police. There’s little evidence that liberal elites actually disapprove of these plots.

37. Promote the stereotype that only people in the backlands who never met a foreigner are critical of Third World immigration, while in reality the vast majority of resistance comes from people in the big cities who are confronted by Third World immigrants on a daily basis – or that large percentage of natives that have fled the big cities to the suburbs.

38. Laugh at people criticizing Third World immigration as being “too serious” and “too dramatic”.

39. Refer to Arab Muslims and Muslim terrorists as “Asians”. This trick is particularly often used in case of Afghanis and Pakistanis (such as in the British press), but sometimes is also used for Middle Easterners as Iraqis and Syrians (such as in Norwegian police reports). Technically, the term is correct, but at the same time it is highly misleading because true Far East Asians as Koreans and Japanese have extremely low crime numbers.

40. Make the claim that the crusades, colonial era, and overall white racism are responsible for the greatly heightened crime numbers among Muslims and blacks in the West. As discussed in ISGP’s article on black crime, as late as 2009, a British official concluded that the greatly heightened gang rape numbers for blacks and Britain is the result of “Britain’s long history of racism and imperialism”. Fascinating. What then about rape numbers in Africa?


[1] October 11, 2008, Daily Express, ‘Secret plot to let 50million African workers into EU: MORE than 50 million African workers are to be invited to Europe in a far-reaching secretive migration deal, the Daily Express can reveal today.’
[2] September 27, 2017, Welingelichte Kringen, ‘Extreemrechtse stemmers wonen vooral in regio’s zonder immigranten’.
[3] January 6, 2014, Vice Media, ‘De bedenker van Tattas be like is blij met de zelfspot van Nederland’.
[4] January 8, 2014, HP/De Tijd, ‘Achter de schermen bij nieuwste Facebook-hit ‘Tattas be like”.
© Joel van der Reijden — Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP)



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