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5 Benefits of Smoking Tobacco


By MahaSheikh


Who says that cigarette smoking is so bad? Well, apart from the World Health Organization, the Food and Drug Administration of the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and each medical association on the face of the Earth …

But smokers, if they are lucky to avoid all risks to health from smoking such as cancer, heart disease and emphysema. They will be protected only way for still unexplained reasons for science, against a handful of diseases and afflictions.

Although the long-term smoking is largely a ticket to early death, here are five potential benefits of smoking.

1.Reduced Risk of knee Replacement Surgery

While smokers could go bankrupt by buying packs of cigarettes, at least they can save money by avoiding knee replacement surgery. Surprising results of a new study has revealed that men who smoke are less likely to undergo surgery for total joint replacement than those who had never smoked.

What could be the connection? The knee replacement surgery is more common among runners and obese; Smoking rarely trot, and are less likely to be overweight. It could be that the nicotine in snuff which helps prevent the deterioration of joints and cartilage.

2.Reduce the Risk of Parkinson

Numerous studies have found an inverse relationship between smoking and Parkinson’s disease.





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