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5G, Graphene & the Vaccine: How the NWO Stakeholders Plan to Kill You!

5G, Graphene & the Vaccine: How the NWO Stakeholders Plan to Kill You!
5G, Graphene & the Vaccine: How the NWO Stakeholders Plan to Kill You!

by Shawn Paul Melville

Both the COVID-19 virus and the viral mRNA vaccine are activated by 5G radiofrequencies:

In a recent study researchers compiled data on the effects of 5G radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication systems on the SARS-CoV-2 virus and determined that 5G caused viral activation and increased virulence. Several studies are now showing that the virus itself causes autoimmune disease within the body. In a recent review, we showed that the viral mRNA vaccine along with the spike protein that it produces can also be altered by 5G radiofrequency radiation whereby, both working in tandem create a virus-like complex of the human cell itself! This mobilized state would then launch an immune response against healthy body cells since they now resemble viral pathogens; thus creating a SARS-CoV-2-like disease state within the body without the presence of the actual virus itself!  Why then would anyone want to take a vaccine that is intentionally geared to altering the very same body system that is suppose to protect you from infection? But the bigger question here is what is the triggering mechanism that allows for the activation of viral mRNA from the vaccine? We propose that this is the mechanism that activates the immune system itself to start attacking otherwise healthy body cells and organs creating autoimmune-like dysfunction! Instead of “Body Snatchers”, you now have vaccines that have become “Cell Snatchers”!


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