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70,000 Tons of Pesticides Leach Into Aquifers Every Year: Global Study

By Sustainable Pulse


A global study published last week in Nature, which analyzed the geographic distribution of 92 of the most commonly used agricultural pesticides, found that approximately 70,000 tons of potentially harmful chemicals leach into aquifers each year, impacting ecosystems and freshwater resources.

Associate professor Federico Maggi, Ph.D., the study’s lead author from the University of Sydney’s School of Civil Engineering, said:

“Our study has revealed that pesticides wander far from their original source. In many cases these chemicals end up a long way downstream and often, though in much smaller amounts, all the way to the ocean.”

The study showed that about 80% of applied pesticides degrade into daughter molecules — or byproducts — in the soil surrounding crops.

Maggi said:

“This degradation of pesticides often occurs as a ‘cascade’ of molecules into the surrounding environment, which can persist in the environment for a long time and can be just as harmful as the parent molecule or applied pesticide…


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