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British Hotel Guests Horrified As Afghan Refugees Destroy Elevators, Ruin Atmosphere

By Albert Turkington

Converting multi-star hotels into refugee holding centers at taxpayer expense has been an increasingly popular pastime of European governments that seem to care infinitely more about foreigners than their own taxpaying citizens. But at the very least, these hotels have usually been completely converted, meaning that regular guests would be shut out from booking a room, saving them from the cultural enrichment that inevitably comes from resettling unassimilated people from terrorist hotspots. The British, however, seem bent on outdoing themselves.

According to Summit News, British vacation-goers at the Grand Hotel at the formerly picturesque destination of Scarborough were thoroughly shocked to find it transformed into a holding center for Afghan refugees. What made the shock more the worse was the fact that they were never given so much as a notice from the hotel on what to mentally prepare for.


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