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Putin for President? If Illegals Can Vote in

By Boyd D. Cathey

Biden’s America, Why Not?

I chose that headline specifically as an eye-opener….

As an uncle of mine used to say delightfully about the late Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC), when the senator said something which outraged the liberal establishment in Washington DC and in Raleigh NC, “he done done it again!”

I caught myself saying the same thing—with the same delight as my late uncle—when I read the hysterical reporting of The Washington Post and The Hill on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest remarks to the International Valdai Forum, held in Sochi, on October 21, 2021. Not that Putin had said anything new, not that his speech in Sochi was much different from speeches he had given for the past decade in which he harshly criticized the US and Western Europe for their de facto rejection of their Christian moral and ethical traditions, and embrace of what Putin calls “a new secularist paganism.”


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