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Polish president to Tucker: Family is the foundation of every nation

by Alan Rugger

Tucker interviews the President of Poland.

I confess that when I was a kid, Polack jokes were a thing. In retrospect, I have no idea why they were a thing. Because the nation of Poland has shown itself as one of the most honorable on the globe.

And that Tucker was able to snag an interview with the president of that country 
 has me perhaps more excited than maybe I should be.

In tonight’s episode of his show, Tucker explores with the president of Poland the country’s immigration and family policies, and Poland’s dealings with the Biden administration. Highlights include:

“As we look around the United States, we often think, had a better country ever been led by worse people? Probably not.”

The president of Poland confessed, “There are a lot of lies being spread about Poland, and first and foremost, what some representatives of the Polish opposition are saying about the current Polish government is totally untrue.”

He continued, “People are happy with their government right now. They think that this government cares for their interests, that this government keeps electoral promises, and this is why they were reelected. But of course some representatives of the opposition are really furious, because they are not able to win elections.”

Andrzej Duda added, “Family is the foundation of every nation. Everything is based on family. Therefore, the support which we offer families 
 is key importance.”

Watch the video below and tell us what you think in the comments.


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