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Should Americans fear for their lives at the hands of Congress?

by JD Washington

WASHINGTON — It is no secret that Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a fake Republican from Illinois, is doing anything he can to get attention. He voted to impeach former President Donald Trump and has made multiple media headlines for his ridiculous comments. This one takes the cake.

Buried in a recent interview is an interesting statement by Rep. Kinzinger. When he was asked by the Rolling Stone about his actions on January 6, Kinzinger said that he was in his office with his firearm that afternoon. He said he had his firearm out and that the was contemplating shooting Americans.

His exact statement was, “yeah, I thought about it.” It’s extremely bothersome that the representative, who wants to claim he is a Republican, was willing to shoot Americans that were taking a stand for freedom. It may be even more bothersome when you take his statement into account with his previous statements and actions.

Kinzinger is one of the “Republicans” who is part of the January 6 witch hunt the Democrats are leading. It was not so long ago that Kinzinger made some comments during the opening of the “investigation.” Those comments were emotionally charged and driven in an effort to garner attention.

Kinzinger shared how he spent six hours cowering in his office with his pistol drawn. In those six hours, he was doing nothing to serve Americans. He was not serving his constituents. He was not standing with other Republicans who wanted to assure the integrity of the election.

Instead, Kinzinger’s response was to pull his firearm and to think about shooting Americans. It seems he wanted to shoot them just like the officer shot Ashley Babbit. Babbit did not deserve to die, but she did because there was no concern for Americans. This is so much more than a single event, though.

Think about the events in recent years where leadership in our nation have stranded Americans or left them to die. You can think about Benghazi, and see how several Americans did not deserve to die at the hand of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. You should probably probably not forget that Joe Biden was in on that one too.

Because Joe Biden followed that lead in Afghanistan, where he stranded Americans and left them at the hands of the Taliban. They tried to tell us in September that only around 100 Americans remain. Then new reports surfaced in October that more evacuation flights had been underway, but that 100 Americans still remained. We all know the reports of how the Taliban was going looking for Americans, have hung people by helicopter, and are imposing strict and oppressive rule under their terrorist leadership.

Or what about the reports that continue where left-wing personalities say that conservatives do not deserve to exist. That they should be exiled, banished from existence, or forced onto a registry because of their beliefs. That certainly screams freedom in America doesn’t it?

That is exactly what the Democrats and their friends like Kinzinger are looking to do. They have no problems killing Americans or disposing of those with differing viewpoints. It raises the question, should Americans be afraid for their lives at the hands of Congress?

Our government was designed to be by the people and for the people. Our representatives are supposed to represent the will of the people, the Constituion, and American freedom. Instead, they suggest that Americans are disposable and not part of the elite club that is Congress. Apparently, they sit in their offices and think about killing Americans.

Politicians have the fear all wrong. Americans should never be in fear of their government, but the government should be fearful of the American people. Americans have the ability to remove and replace them at any time, that is until they realize that Americans are rising up against them and they attempt to rig elections and use media propaganda to sway other votes.

How did we get to this point? Because Americans trusted their politicians. Politicians were swayed with big lobbying dollars and special interests, selling themselves to the highest bidder. Politicians would promise the world to earn the trust of the people. Now, they believe themselves to be better than the people of this nation.

Rather than fearing for their lives, Americans should once again stand up and put Congress in fear. Not of their lives, but for their jobs. It has long been time for term limits and draining the cesspool that is Washington, DC. It is time that Americans take their government back from the bureaucrats and put it back into the hands of the people.


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