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Michigan Democrat Calls the Senate Filibuster Racist, Forgetting That Dems Use It, Too

By T. LaDuke

Michigan Democrats are a super special bunch. So are Michigan Republicans, come to think of it. Maybe it is something in the water here that makes the majority of the elected officials from the Great Lake State make you wonder what these buffoons would be doing if it weren’t for the low bar to leap into elected office.

Tik Tok influencer is all I can think of.

The latest example of a head-scratching quote or action from an elected Michigan official comes courtesy of a founding member of “The Squad,” Representative Rashida Tlaib, who is a Democrat from the city of Detroit and some of its suburbs. Tlaib had a sit-down with Axios’ Jonathan Swan and covered a number of issues — but this little nugget about the filibuster being a tool of racists is truly unique.

Also quite frankly dumb.

From the Detroit News


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