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Report: Schiff Funneled $60 Million U.S.Tax Dollars to His Ukrainian Friend and ‘Corrupt’ Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak

Disgraced Rep. Adam Schiff is close buddies with a crooked Ukrainian arms dealer by the name of Igor Pasternak.

We have all of these Democrats screaming and yelling about all the bad things President Trump has done, and when you start digging, you immediately find zillions of connections between the Democrats and their “bad guys” du jour.

The Dems have their grubby fingerprints all over everything “Ukraine.”

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And it’s very concerning that the guy leading the “Ukraine impeachment charge” has some of the closest ties ever.

Wait until you get a load of this one…

Disgraced Rep. Adam Schiff is close buddies with a crooked Ukrainian arms dealer by the name of Igor Pasternak.

They’re so close, as a matter of fact, that Pasternak held a fundraiser for Schiff in his home.

Investigative journalist Lee Smith of the Hudson Institute and the Weekly Standard has revealed that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff boasts some shifty ties to a possibly corrupt Ukrainian businessman who was born in the former Soviet Union.


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