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There’s Never Going to Be a Life ‘After COVID’

By Keith Jackson, MD

Remember when we were under the impression that we could wait for Americans to acquire natural immunity to COVID-19, and, along with the adoption of vaccines against the novel virus, we could all “return to normal”?  Well, that’s not going to happen.  The question then becomes, when do we accept that this virus will be with us for decades, and just how much power will we cede to our government in suppressing our freedom to fight the problem?

We’ve had vaccines for the flu forever, it seems.  But we can’t avoid having the common cold spread through our communities every year, sometimes multiple times a year.  That’s because adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, and others mutate so quickly that it makes creating a vaccine for the cold nearly impossible.  It is the nature of any virus to mutate.  COVID-19 is a coronavirus and is not at all different.

The recent strains of COVID-19 are coming out of South Africa.  That is primarily because of the estimated 8 million HIV-infected, and, therefore, immunocompromised, sub-Saharan Africans serving as incubators for the virus.  Because the immune systems of these unfortunates are slower to fight the virus, this fosters mutations, erodes vaccine protection, and increases the possibility of viral transmission.  African COVID-19’s “children” are procreating exponentially, with no end in sight.


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One Comment

  1. Paul S Smith Paul S Smith December 14, 2021

    This “virus” will be with us only as long as we allow globalist tyrants and their minions have their way. We the People need to drive them from power, put them on trial for crimes against humanity (as was done at Nuremberg), and execute their appropriate sentences.

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