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Unrestricted Warfare


The cliche is that everyone plans to fight the last war and when the new war arrives; they are completely unprepared for how it will be fought. Think of the Great War. For centuries war was fought with two opposing sides standing in line, sometimes with cavalry, hacking at one another with swords and spears, and even when the musket came on the scene it remained the same. Then World War One happened. Massively powerful artillery and the machinegun changed it all: poison gas too. In the first few months of the war the Russian Army lost 4 million men. This war was completely different.

Then WW2 happened twenty years later. The strategy for defense was exactly the same as the Great War. But the even MORE massive artillery and the incredibly fast tanks changed it all. And then it changed again mid stride and turned into a war of air power. And then again it changed completely with the atomic bomb. The wars after that, up and until the Gulf War, were all fought in a manner to prevent the use of Nuclear Weapons. So they fought war in far-off places and irregularly. Again, a change in warfare. It was indirect, two Super Powers fighting by proxy…

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