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Joe Biden: demented idiot or crazy like a fox?

By Andrea Widburg

The accepted wisdom amongst conservatives is that Joe Biden is a demented buffoon who is under the control of a leftist cabal in the White House, the individual members of which are unknown. However, Don Surber, who is one of the conservative blogosphere’s most astute political writers, has a different theory. He thinks that Biden is a savvy political operative as evidenced by a successful political career that has spanned almost 50 years.

When most conservatives look at Biden’s malapropisms, Grandpa Simpson-esque stories that seamlessly intermingle lies and delusions, and disastrous policies, we assume that he’s a congenitally stupid man who, thanks to the Peter Principle, has risen to the top of the heap. (For those who weren’t around during the 1970s, Laurence J. Peter’s principle is a management concept holding that people in a hierarchical organization rise until they’ve essentially reached peak incompetence.)

Don Surber, though, has a different theory:

Voters and pundits misread Biden. They thought they were getting a harmless and befuddled old man who would keep the seat warm while the two parties sorted things out AprĂšs Trump…


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