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Pentagon Anti-Extremism Plan Will Chill Speech: Military Attorney

By Ken Silva

The Pentagon’s new plan to counter extremism within its ranks includes prohibitions on liking and sharing social media content that “endorses extremist activities,” which critics worry will have a chilling effect on free speech.

The Department of Defense (DoD) announced its counter-extremism policies on Dec. 20, unveiling guidelines that are the result of a Counter Extremist Activity Working Group established in April by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

The plan doesn’t introduce any new concepts, instead updating an anti-extremism policy that’s existed since 1969 to account for social media and other developments. Among the changes is an update to the definition of “active participation” in extremist activities to include “posting, liking, sharing, re-tweeting, or otherwise distributing content—when such content is taken with the intent to promote or otherwise endorse extremist activities.”…



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