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WRONG, JOE: You Are A Bigger Threat To Democracy Than January 6th


I did not tune in for a nanosecond to the predictably boring, empty, wrong, and hyperventilating media coverage of the first anniversary of January 6th.  For one, I have an actual job and a family. That darn real life gets in the way again. For another, I could have written every article and broadcast speech because we all know the talking points. Trump is bad, Trump is dangerous, Trump supporters are dangerous, and everything related to Trump is a threat to democracy. Did I miss anything?

Oh yeah, no asking about Ashli Babbitt’s videotaped murder or myriad examples of police brutality. Tsk tsk.

In service to readers of The Blue State Conservative, I did venture to CNN this morning to see what line or two from Brandon’s speech would be most powerful in their eyes. My guess going in was they would select a hackneyed line about Trump almost killing our democracy save for the heroism of the police. This, of course, sounds utterly ridiculous on so many levels. We don’t have a democracy, so there’s that. It’s a constitutional republic. Whatever you call it, it was certainly never under actual duress. Does anyone really believe our government almost fell apart? (And the more our government does its thing, is it so bad to wish it would?) And their sudden concern for the safety and wellbeing of police is about as hollow a gesture as humanly possible considering the alleged insurrection came on the heels of a year of chaos and anti-police sentiment…


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