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Psychotic Covidians Go Ballistic as Mass Formation Psychosis Sets In

Charlotte, NC — “What is to come of modern man? Human problems, fears, lack of courage and conviction, desire to escape responsibility, indifference, and reliance on others instead of self, have caused not only a lessening of intellect, but also have exposed the underbelly of the miserable modern human animal. The four most evident characteristics of modern man are weakness, ignorance, dependency, and fear, and all of these traits can lead only to an empty life of servitude.”—Gary Barnett

The phrase “mass formation psychosis” saw a huge increases in online searches, enough of an increase to lead Google to manipulate its algorithms to control search results.

The increase in popularity of folks wanting to learn about the psychotic world we live under the COVID-19 dictatorship was sparked by Dr. Robert Malone’s recent interview on Joe Rogan’s podcast when he discussed “mass formation psychosis,” a tool that governments have admitted they are using to control society


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