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Hospital Engineer Whistleblower Warns of Toxic Ricin in the Next Planned Pandemic (Marburg) Vaccine, RiVax, Likely to Kill Billions–& Calls for Halt to All Vaccines

By Ramola D

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Kieran Morissey, an Irish engineer and teaching hospital manager reports that he has explored published information regarding the next planned pandemic post-COVID with the Marburg Virus and found a PCR test and vaccine already lined up, with a deadly toxic ingredient in the vaccine. He also reports that his research into viruses and vaccines lead him to understand that vaccines–based on variolation, an old Chinese technique which gave rise to Jenner’s first vaccine for smallpox –and Pasteur’s Germ Theory, have led to all manner of chronic illness and represent a cultic, baseless dogma of disease which is profoundly dangerous and should be halted en masse. “We must stop all vaccinations immediately and destroy all stockpiles of vaccines and the pharmaceutical manufacturing plants which make them.”

He writes at length as well of the harms caused by the graphene oxide and other toxins found in the COVID vaccine, with the high likelihood of boosters helping produce the very symptoms of haemarrhogic fever and bleeding which is being touted as part of the Marburg Virus’s roster of symptoms, and shares his speculations that what is going to happen is that all the damages caused by the COVID vaccines currently will be publicly labeled by the elitist corporate globalist-media-government-pharma-Public Health nexus as deadly “Ebola-like” symptoms of the new deadly Marburg virus Pandemic, intended to scare people into immediate subjugation and complete removal of all rights and freedoms (with use of more stringent lockdowns, quarantines, isolation camps, separation of families).


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