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We Demand: President Putin Release Documents Vital to World Peace

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Mr. President:

Political divides within the US now clearly threaten world peace.  Pro-Israeli factions within the US are working, not only to sabotage a nuclear settlement with Iran but go much further.  Recent lapses in judgement and decorum by General Breedlove of NATO, covert US aid to ISIS/ISIL and moves by certain US factions in support of terrorist factions in Libya and across Africa have raised the stakes.

We at Veterans Today, in consultation with staff members and unlisted associates, some former Soviet and Russian intelligence officials known to you, are aware that the intelligence services of the Russian Federation have files in their possession, some kept for many years, that should now be made available.  As our initial request, we ask for the following documents we know to be in Russian keeping…

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