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The Tyranny of Trudeau


Humans form governments not to surrender their liberty but to secure it. The state exists for man, not man for the state, as many natural law philosophers have observed. According to this understanding of government, the proper response to a tyrannical law is disobedience. An unjust law, after all, isn’t a real law at all. It is an act of violence that cries out for resistance. But self-serving government officials cast such laudable resistance as a threat to the state. In truth, it is only a threat to their tyranny.

So it goes in Canada, where its prime minister, Justin Trudeau, is busy denouncing truckers for daring to defend their own freedom. “Blockages, illegal demonstrations are unacceptable, and are negatively impacting businesses and manufacturers,” he said this week. “We must do everything to bring them to an end.”…

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