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AMAZING! Mike Lindell’s My Pillow Employees Will Make and Package 10,000 Pillows To Be Donated To Canadian Truckers

By Patty McMurray


My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell will donate 10,000 pillows to Canadian truckers fighting for freedom from COVID restrictions and mandates.

Mike Lindell is one of the most generous business owners in America. Most of his good deeds, like delivering his signature “My Pillow” to victims of natural disasters, are ignored by the media, mostly because he chooses to quietly donate to others who are less fortunate, but also because his generosity for others, regardless of their political beliefs doesn’t jive with the “evil Trump-supporting bogey man” narrative the media has created about Mike Lindell.

It’s not the first time Mike Lindell has put the production of his products for sale on hold for the good of the others. In March 2020, when COVID first arrived in the United States from China, masks for frontline workers were in short supply. Mike Lindell quietly converted his 2,000 sq foot My Pillow factory in Minnesota to a mask-making facility creating about 10,000 face masks per day. Aside from Fox News, Lindell, who lost millions on his decision to produce the masks, got very little recognition for his selfless decision.



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