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Prevent Wars: Get Us Out! Of Nato

by Dr. John Waterman

I’m 110% America first. Unlike some, I believe our military should reside squarely under control of the
US government. However, the government is not the elected officials, or the paper pushers employed in
WDC. The elected officials are “public servants”. The government is “we the people”. We give them
PERMISSION to execute laws, that “we” make.
This brings me to NATO. Unfortunately many that fought in one of the sand wars has a perspective that
needs to be “revisited”. Their perspective is not their fault, but the fault of military leadership, and the
“real” government’s fault for letting that perspective manifest operationally.
So what is this perspective that has deceptively crept in? It is that NATO is an ally, and is to be treated
with nearly nation state attitudes/status. However, the first thought that pops in the mind of those with a
friendly perspective of NATO will result in this response; “We need NATO, those nations are our
allies”. True, but we never gave another nation complete, and utter control, of our forces permanently.
Control of ANY American military forces, was in the past only given for operational joint war plans,
and joint force operations have no need of a “NATO” to make it operate effectively. Much less be the
leader in who, and why to attack any country.
Today’s ecumenical military leadership has affected the minds and opinions of our soldiers, exiting
veterans. So much so, that younger sand war vets, un-maliciously assume (because of their training)
NATO should reflect the deep state policies, and control of our military. This mindset that has managed
to take over our military, don’t even realize that this is their perspective.
There is a dramatic change that has taken place in our military leadership, and young vets should be
mindful of that change. But who is going to successfully tell them? It has negatively impacted policies
in our military. For example, mRNA experimental shots called vaccinations are being forced upon our
military and it is destroying the health of our soldiers. Yes, in the past vaccines were always given, but
those were real vaccines. But today, no religious exemptions need apply, because of woke military
leadership that is being courted by outsiders who have un-American values.
So now, what younger and very capable veterans are doing is using their great training in civilian
settings, however they don’t realize they brought with them programming, that reflects an ecumenical
military that does not have America first. This results in misled beliefs, like Russia is the boogieman
because NATO says so.
What needs to be made clear is that NATO is now a branch of the World Economic Forum.
This explains the UN planes landing in Ottawa with the German speaking military who rebranded
themselves as “police”. And yes some have said the planes were always there, but they have never
previously brought in foreign military to engage Canadian citizens.
This creeping change to un-American military policies has allowed globalists of the World Economic
Forum to take over America’s military. This also explains why no political leader in any NATO country
has condemned the use of LRADs and electro-magnetic radiation weapons deployed on peaceful
protesters in Ottawa. But why would they, NATO is under control of a West European socialist military
We need a wake up call, because NATO now wages war on people who are members of NATO. This
well executed agenda was a deception that escaped notice, until it hit the fan. Now, it’s time to end this!
When members of any American military force cannot get support for religious exemptions for
unapproved gene altering shots, something is deeply wrong in America’s military leadership.
I have been hauled off by Eastern European communist military for smuggling Bibles. Will that happen
in America? It isn’t looking good, is it? Please consider this. Our country’s Constitution was founded
on Christian moral codes, we cannot trust anyone outside of our country to follow them. Let’s get
America out of globalist controlled NATO, and take back America now!
You can read more here.

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