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Iran, Amid Ukraine/Russia War, Will Become Hegemon Of The Middle East If Biden Concedes To An Even Worse Iran Nuclear Deal

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones

Amid Vladimir Putin’s Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian ally Iran is close to receiving a new and improved Iran nuclear deal that would lift sanctions against Iran.

“Indirect talks between Iran and the United States on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal are close to reaching an agreement, the chief British and French envoys said on Friday as they and their German colleague flew home to brief ministers,” Reuters reported on March 4, 2022.

The removal of sanctions would allow Iran to resume funding its tyrannical theocratic regime and its global terror operations by selling oil to Europe and the United States.

Now that President Barack Obama effectively turned Iraq over to Russian and Iranian interests, and Joe Biden has surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban and China, Iran is the next pro-Russian adversary to emerge stronger and more dangerous.

Russia, like Iran, views Iraq as part of Iran. Russia and its Middle Eastern proxy Iran have taken control of Iraq’s oil resources, filling the vacuum created when the U.S. military and U.S. petroleum interests pulled out of the region.

Obama handed Russia a foothold in the Middle East they never before held before, just as Obama did when he let Putin and Russia take Crimea without any consequences.

Simon Watkins of Oil wrote in a June 8, 2021 article titled “Russia Expands Its Influence In Major Iraqi Oil Fields“:

Given the U.S.’s broad scaling-down of its on-the-ground operations in the Middle East over the past five years, a specific function of which is ExxonMobil’s intention to sell its stake in Iraq’s supergiant West Qurna 1 oil field, China and Russia have been busy in occupying the spaces left by the U.S…

… Russia has long regarded Iraq – both north and south – just as Iran does: that is, as being an integral part of Iran, to all intents and purposes controlled where it counts by Tehran via its vast network of financial, political, and military proxies…

…the Kremlin was quick to ensure that Tehran applied pressure on Iraq to allow Moscow to effectively gain complete control over the huge oil and gas assets in Iraq’s northern semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan…


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