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Homo sardiniensis: New Hominid discovery in Italy upsets the path of Human Origins

By Eric

Homo sardiniensis, “Tatana is about 150 to 250 thousand years old.”

A Hominid skull was discovered 2 years ago in Italy. It was recently dated to 180kya. It is an archaic Homo sapien. This find will upset the timeline for modern Homo sapiens and rearrange Hominid phylogenetic maps when it is released.

The fact that it was discovered in Italy on the European continent will be hugely disruptive to the paleo-anthropology establishment who endorse recent Out of Africa.

The location of the discovery is Sardinia. They are calling it Sardinia 1. Nicknames are often given to Hominid skulls like the famous Lucy. Sardinia 1 will be named Tatana.

Note – They are unsure at this point, if it is male or female, but lean heavily towards female…

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