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China’s Lockdowns May Be Partly a Ploy to Tamper With Supply Chains, Highlight US Dependence: Expert

By Michael Washburn and David Zhang

The extremely strict lockdown that Beijing officials have imposed on Shanghai and other cities in recent weeks may be aimed at sending a message to the United States and aligned powers about their dependence on Chinese supply chains, said Brian McCarthy, chief strategist at investment firm Macrolens LLC.

The two-phased lockdown in Shanghai began to take effect on March 28, and has yet to be lifted. Chinese officials implemented it in defiance of projections that it would cost China’s economy $29 billion in two weeks alone. But the cost to the United States and aligned nations may be even greater, in McCarthy’s view.

Speaking to EpochTV’s “China Insider” program on April 4, McCarthy said that disruptions to global supply chains are particularly problematic and make U.S. weaknesses all the more evident at a time when inflation has been surging. McCarthy suggested that Chinese officials are fully aware of America’s economic woes and have chosen this juncture to illustrate the vulnerabilities of the U.S. economy…

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