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Lockdown Fears Spark Panic Buying in China’s Capital as Districts Kick Off Mass Testing

By Dorothy Li

A mass COVID-19 testing order in Beijing’s largest district has prompted residents to stock up on food, fearing that they might soon be confined to their homes like the millions in Shanghai, a city approaching its fifth week of lockdowns.

Chaoyang will expand the scale of COVID-19 testing to all people working and living in the district, officials said at the April 24 briefing. About 3.5 million inhabitants of the eastern Chaoyang district will be tested three times this week, starting from April 25.

Beijing has warned of increasing cases in the coming days, with a municipality official saying at the April 25 briefing that the virus had spread for a week before being detected.

Across the city, Beijing has recorded 70 cases in the current outbreak since April 22, though the official count has increasingly come into question by residents and experts, given the Chinese regime’s history of downplaying and covering up information about outbreaks across the country…

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