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Bio-military experiments in Pit 404 – A secret NATO biological laboratory 30 meters deep under the Azovstal in Mariupol

By Agent Smith

On April. 4th wrote Pepe Escobar on Twitter:

MARIUPOL 1/3 THIS is going to be THE explosive story of the whole 404 saga, not the Bucha false flag. Yes, there’s an array of NATO honchos still holed up with the Azov neo-Nazis in the bowels of Azovstal. Yet the key is what was going on in this underground 8 floors down.

MARIUPOL 2/3 Civilian prisoners of the “Biblioteka” at Mariupol airport said they were constantly threatened to be sent to a pit – from which they would never return. The “pit” may have been a NATO-run underground bio-lab at Azovstal. Avostal owner Akhmetov is freaking out.

MARIUPOL 3/3 Bio-military experiments in 404 were carried by Akhmetov’s company Metabiota. The Russian Investigative Committee is frantically collective evidence for a REAL, upcoming Nuremberg Trials-2. So the real story of the sinister pit” will emerge soon…

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