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Dan Bongino: Why the media and the left are melting down over Elon Musk

by Fox News Staff

Fox News host Dan Bongino blasted the Democrats’ obsession with power through “owning history,” Saturday night on ‘Unfiltered.’

DAN BONGINO: There’s a saying, “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Today, I’d like to add to that, as long as Democrats are hellbent on rewriting it, and oh they are. Information control – that’s power. All the challenges facing this country right now, we’ve seen them before. We’ve beaten them. There’s nothing new here. We could learn from our mistakes, though, because the examples are all around us of prior failures. Yet, Democrats are hellbent on isolating you from the truth by rewriting, condemning and censoring the truth.

So after spending trillions of dollars and doing nothing to help bring down gas prices, diesel prices, the baby formula crisis, the food shortage crisis, and the medical supply shortages crisis, Biden’s plan is to tax the rich and spend even more money. Even worse, a year ago, his administration said, “Inflation would never happen” And then when inflation did happen, they said, “No one could have predicted it.”…

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