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Events of the special military operation in Ukraine in a week: the liberation of Svyatogorsk and the growing losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Events of the special military operation in Ukraine in a week: the liberation of Svyatogorsk and the growing losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Events of the special military operation in Ukraine in a week: the liberation of Svyatogorsk and the growing losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine



The fourth month of a special military operation is underway to protect the inhabitants of Donbass and liberate the Luhansk and Donetsk Republics from the nationalists. The allied forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the NM of the DPR and LPR have achieved significant success in several areas in recent days. Here is a brief overview of the most significant events in Ukraine in recent days.

The main event of the week at the moment is the taking under control of the entire residential sector of the strategically important settlement of Severodonetsk. This city was proclaimed by the Kyiv regime in 2014 the administrative center of the Luhansk region, after losing control over Lugansk. The remnants of the Ukrainian nationalists dug in on the outskirts of the city in the industrial zone of the Azot plant, from where they have no way for an organized retreat from today. According to various sources, the militants herded about 1000 civilians into the basements of the plant, which they use as human shields and do not let them out. This makes it difficult for our military to clean up the industrial zone. But there is no doubt that, having experience in cleaning up Azovstal in Mariupol, the allied forces of the Lugansk People’s Militia and the RF Armed Forces will cope with this task. The next settlement on the territory of the LPR, which will be liberated by allied forces, will be Lisichansk.

In another strategic direction, our troops, together with the People’s Militia of the DPR, are fighting for the liberation of Slavyansk. The Ukrainian military is putting up fierce resistance at the defense line of the Slavic-Kramatorsk agglomeration. Here, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with the national battalions, have created a powerful fortified area over the past few years. So far, it is not clear whether the allied command plans to take the enemy in this area “in pincers” or whether there will be a direct offensive. According to representatives of the DPR, there are up to 70 military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Slavic agglomeration. If this is true, then this is a powerful enemy grouping, which, given the presence of well-prepared fortifications, is capable of providing serious resistance to the allied forces of Russia and the DPR. And to take such an enemy force with a frontal strike with the available forces is possible only if the opponent himself loses motivation for organized resistance.



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