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Jabs – the Secret Weapon Against Trump 2024

By Tom Renz


I am going to premise this article with the fact that this is based on my analysis. Obviously, I cannot prove what will happen in the next two years, but I think this cannot be overstated. Also, before I get a million comments on 4-d chess and other such nonsense let me state my position: I believe Donald Trump was one of the best presidents in our nation’s history. He was attacked more and from more directions than ANY other president I could list – including from his own party. The unfortunate reality is that regardless of how talented the Donald is, he is still human, and he was quite clearly misled. Now it is the job of those that believe in freedom to ensure he knows that we continue to support him but that we NEED him to take a stand to save our children’s lives and our troops.

COVID was a lie from the beginning. The death numbers were inflated, the PCR tests never worked, and the disease was known, very early on, to be roughly as dangerous as a bad flu season (probably less so if treatment was not denied). You can read the fact pattern in the file below, which is a case I filed in early September 2020, if you want a healthy dose of well-cited truth.

Let me reiterate – I filed this at the beginning of September of 2020 and then amended the complaint but the original contained the same fact pattern. Also, you should know that after talking ex parte to the defense, the judge called this unintelligible so let me know if you need interpretation. This entire farce should have ended right there but it did not.



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