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Western experts have come to the conclusion that Ukraine has no chance of winning the confrontation with Russia

Western experts have come to the conclusion that Ukraine has no chance of winning the confrontation with Russia
Western experts have come to the conclusion that Ukraine has no chance of winning the confrontation with Russia


By Topwar

In the West, they believe less and less in Ukraine’s ability to defeat Russia, even with Western military assistance. As the Ukrainian press writes, more and more foreign publications come out with publications that depict completely unhappy prospects for Kyiv.

In Kyiv, they drew attention to an article by the American analytical center Atlantic Council, in which Western experts directly say that Ukraine has no chance of defeating Russia. According to the center’s analysts, the volumes of heavy offensive weapons supplied by Western countries are conditional and do not allow the Ukrainian army not only to carry out a counteroffensive, but also to defend its territory.

In addition, the Russian army took into account the mistakes of the first months of the war and now does not give Ukrainians a chance at all. In general, according to experts, everything is bad for Kyiv and the conflict may end with the signing of a peace treaty on Russia’s terms. If the West continues to refuse suppliesĀ weapons, everything for Ukraine will end with the loss of territory…

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