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Climate lockdowns!? New International Energy Agency’s ‘Net-Zero’ report urges ‘behavioral changes’ to fight climate….


By: Marc Morano 


Are you willing to comply to save the planet!? IEA report page 174: “The Covid‐19 pandemic has increased general awareness of the potential effectiveness of behavioral changes, such as mask‐wearing, and working and schooling at home. The crisis demonstrated that people can make behavioral changes at significant speed and scale if they understand the changes to be justified, and that it is necessary for governments to explain convincingly and to provide clear guidance about what changes are needed and why they are needed.” …

“Urban design can reduce the average city dweller’s carbon footprint by up to 60% by shaping lifestyle choices and influencing day‐to‐day behavior.”


Full IEA INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY Net Zero by 2050 A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector: 

Regulations and mandates could enable roughly 70% of the emissions saved by behavioral
changes in the NZE. Examples include:
Upper speed limits, which are reduced over time in the NZE from their current levels to 100 km/h, cutting emissions from road vehicles by 3% in 2050.
Appliance standards, which maximize energy efficiency in the buildings sector.
Regulations covering heating temperatures in offices and default cooling temperatures for air conditioning units

Keeping air travel for business purposes at 2019 levels. Although business trips fell to almost zero in 2020, they accounted for just over one‐quarter of air travel before the pandemic. 
Keeping long‐haul flights (more than six hours) for leisure purposes at 2019 levels. Emissions from an average long‐haul flight are 35‐times greater than from a regional flight (less than one hour).

(Climate lockdowns have arrived: France to ban domestic flights where trains are available, in move to battle ‘global warming’)  & (Get ready: In a declared ‘climate emergency,’ you can’t fly commercial unless it is ‘morally justifiable’ – Activist Holthaus sets rules for the ‘use for luxury aviation emissions in a climate emergency’)

A shift to high‐speed rail. The opportunities for shifting regional flights to high‐speed rail vary by region. Globally, we estimate that around 15% of regional flights in 2019 could have been shifted given existing rail infrastructure; future high‐speed rail lines ensure that by 2050 around 17% could be shifted (IEA, 2019).



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