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The TWA 800 Whistleblower Is Legit

by Jack Cashill

In the past few weeks, I have received numerous inquiries about ten-year Navy veteran William Henry Teele III. After years of quietly providing information to me and other investigators into the July 1996 destruction of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of Long Island, Teele has gone public and is naming names.

I shared some of Teeleā€™s information in my 2016 book,Ā TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy. Teele did not claim to be on the ship that fired the missile. He was on the USSĀ Carr, a guided missile frigate that was one of the ā€œcombatantsā€ in the battle group that destroyed the unfortunate 747 and killed the 230 souls on board. Everything that I could verify about Teeleā€™s account back then checked out.

In the six years since, Teele has reached out to many of his fellow sailors and fleshed out his account. Although he has appeared on several podcasts in recent weeks, his uninterrupted narrative on theĀ Duke Report is the most compelling. I would welcome those with relevant experience to contact me through my website,, to offer your assessment of Teeleā€™s account or to provide additional information. My research suggests Teele is the real deal but I remain open, as all journalists should, to contrary information…

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