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Massachusetts: State Troopers Get Fired, Lose Their Gun Rights For Not Accepting COVID Jabs

by Frankie Stockes

Massachusetts State Troopers who were fired from the statewide police force after refusing the accept the COVID-19 jab lost more than their jobs, with the head of the state police unilaterally issuing an order to revoke their 2nd Amendment rights to carry a firearm and threatening to imprison those who disobey him.

Thirteen Massachusetts State Troopers were fired from the state police force earlier this year after refusing to accept the COVID-19 jab, in an instance of medical tyranny that closely resembles those that have played out time and time again nationwide. Far beyond losing their jobs, the troopers lost a critical chunk of their 2nd Amendment rights as well, according to a letter sent out by Massachusetts State Police Colonel Christopher Mason.

Under Mason’s orders, which took effect in July, Massachusetts State Troopers who were fired for refusing the COVID-19 jab will see their License to Carry Firearms expire, and it won’t be renewed. Police officers and gun rights activist groups have slammed the anti-2nd Amendment enhancement to COVID-19 punishments, and question its legality…

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