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‘We’re Opening Up Our Country’: White House Offers States Road Map for Restarting Economies

WASHINGTON – With 22 million Americans filing for unemployment benefits in just the last month, there’s mounting pressure for governors to scale back on coronavirus measures and restart their economic engines – and now the White House is offering them a roadmap.

“We’re opening up our country and we have to do that. America wants to be open,” President Trump said at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House Thursday.

The president and his task force suggest states reopen gradually as their cases of COVID-19 decrease.

  • In phase one, churches, theaters, and some sports locations can open, but with strict social distancing.
  • In phase two, gatherings can increase to 50 people and travel can resume.
  • In phase three, life for most Americans would return to normal as health officials identified and isolated new cases.

“One careful step at a time. Some states will be able to open up sooner than others,” the president explained.

For hard-hit states like New York, the process will take longer.

“The bad news is 2,000 people walked into the hospital yesterday for the first time with the disease and the worst news is 600 died yesterday from the disease,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said somberly during his daily press briefing.

However, the president says states that have mostly survived the pandemic unscathed can begin taking steps to open today.

“I think 29 states are in that ball game,” he explained.

And his plan is receiving positive feedback from governors on both sides of the aisle.

“I am an optimist. We can do this,” said Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R). “We must get people back to work.”


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One Comment

  1. John W John W April 17, 2020

    Great! Rural and Northern Michigan are Ghost Towns! Small Business and Employment are devastating. Very few cases, if any in most of the Northern half of State. No one in Lansing took that into account when the absurd lock Down and travel Ban went into effect. People here are hurting financially, and emotionally. They want to get their life back. Thank you Donald Trump for your great action and keeping our Country safe! I hope that folk’s remember this come November Election time! You must VOTE! Unless you like what you have now!

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