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WATCH: YouTube Channel Releases Multiple Racists Explaining Why They Hate White People


By Amber Crawford


A YouTube channel called ‘Cut’ has released a shockingly racist video that reveals the consequences of the Biden administration’s insistence that white supremacy is America’s biggest threat. What has been touted as a movement to eliminate racism has simply driven a hate-fueled anti-White movement that is somehow socially acceptable.

In the video, black people are asked “What are white people superior at?”

The responses include: “violence,” “genocide,” “stealing people’s lives,” “insecurity,” “fear,” “letting their egos control their every move,” “being dicks,” “oppression,” “gaslighting,” “copycatting,” “destruction of humanness,” “upholding white supremacy,” “manipulation,” “lying, stealing, and cheating.”

Just imagine if white people made a video making largely generalized statements about black people. It certainly wouldn’t be met with this much social acceptance by the woke left.



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