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US press suggests treating China as ‘rogue state’

US press suggests treating China as 'rogue state'
US press suggests treating China as ‘rogue state’

By Top War


In its confrontation with such major powers as Russia and China, the United States is absolutely not shy. Especially powerful propaganda is noticeable in the information spaces of the global network. Sometimes the interpretations of the American press are such that it remains, perhaps, to shrug your shoulders and once again be convinced of the bias of their authors.

In just the past few years, China has engineered a global pandemic, given the green light to Russia’s unscrupulous invasion of Ukraine, threatened the people of Taiwan, launched a malicious global spy campaign, and achieved the world’s worst human rights and environmental record. China must be held accountable for its inhuman behavior. It should be treated like a pariah country with no government contact.

– such is the main idea of ​​an article on the American information resource 19FortyFive, which specializes in military and geopolitical topics.

Yes, the author is very bold in his expressions. So bold that he rows under one brush everything that is possible. At the same time shamelessly inventing and distorting the facts. Several paragraphs of the article by American authors are devoted to how “incomprehensibly and ambiguously” Xi Jinping behaves with anti-covid measures. Allegedly, at the moment when it is necessary, Beijing is ready to completely close people at home. If this threatens the economic interests of the PRC, the Chinese leadership makes obvious and illogical indulgences in measures designed to prevent the spread of a viral infection.



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