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January 6? How About Some Real Dates in American History?

By Steve Feinstein

History aficionados enjoy noting the passage of significant dates.

They serve as reminders of important events that have shaped America’s past, contributed to our culture and made our country what it is. Unfortunately these days with the rise of wokism, CRT and other ill-intended progressive-sponsored initiatives, traditional American history is being pushed aside and replaced by fake dates and deceptive milestones. Exhibit A, of course, is the crowd control failure incident at the Capitol on January 6.

What we really need is for Americans to know the dates of some of the most meaningful occurrences in our past and truly understand and appreciate how those incidents affected our development as a country.

What follows is a short (but by no means inclusive!) list of important episodes in American history. Some of these are easily recognized, some far less so, but they are all important and worth knowing.

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