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6-Year-Old Murdered by Islamic Terrorist in Jerusalem



“We saw 6 victims lying next to each other.”

The wave of terrorism really kicked off with the Palestinian Authority’s announcement that it was ending security cooperation with Israel prior to Biden administration personnel visiting Israel. While the media is trying to make it look like a series of lone-wolf attacks, there’s nothing coincidental about them. Or the focus on Jerusalem.

The latest is another Jerusalem terror attack, this time using the familiar Car Jihad tactic.

A murderous drive-by attack in Jerusalem: 20-year-old Habarach Alter Shlomo Lederman and a 6-year-old boy were killed and five others were injured, some seriously, when a terrorist driving a car crashed into a bus stop at the corner of Golda Meir and Binyamin Mintz streets in the capital’s Ramot neighborhood. The terrorist driving

Lederman “had been standing at the bus stop with his wife, whom he married only six months ago, at the time of the attack. The two were waiting for a bus to the city of Elad, where they had planned to spend Shabbat with his parents. The wife was unharmed.”

The 6-year-old boy has been killed.





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