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Where could our Friendship reach?

Beyond the sanctions

Kazakhstan will send its first batch of 20 tons of oil through the non-sanctioned Druzhba to Germany in the first half of February, Kazakh Energy Minister Bolat Akchulakov said not so long ago. So far, the oil has not gone yet, but there is almost no doubt that it will go.

After all, there are many problems with the Russian one, and diluting it with the Kazakh one is a solution to almost all of them at once. Recall that earlier Minister Akchulakov told the media that Kazakhstan plans to send 1,5 million tons of oil to Germany (the former GDR) through this artery in 2023 and may well increase the volume to 7 million tons.

As reported, European players at the end of 2022 turned to Astana with requests for oil supplies. Despite all the sanctions, ceilings and embargoes, Russia has approved Kazakhstan’s application to pump its oil through the Druzhba to Germany. In the first quarter, KazTransOil plans to transit 300 tons of Kazakh oil via Druzhba to the former GDR.

Hence, once again the question raised in the title arises. Where could our “Friendship” go? There were even talks about the UK, and then, seriously, there is nowhere to go. And after all, as you know, the supply of Russian oil and oil products through the Druzhba pipeline system today remains outside the EU sanctions.

And most likely, this is not just the case. War is war, but fuel is on schedule. Perhaps, at present, the same products of our domestic oil refining in Europe would generally be out of sanctions. Of course, in the event that in the 70s and 80s projects were implemented to extend Druzhba to Austria, Italy (through Hungary – the SFRY and Czechoslovakia), the Federal Republic of Germany (through the GDR or Czechoslovakia), to the region of the now former SFRY (through Hungary).

Transit won’t be cheap

However, one of these projects was nevertheless implemented almost forty years ago: this is the Adria artery – the continuation of the Hungarian section of the Friendship through Croatia to the Adriatic terminal Omisalj. But this project could well be ā€œcomplementedā€ by Austria and Italy …


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