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Bombshell Bodycam Video Shown In J6 Defendant’s Court Case Reveals Capitol Police Confronting Armed Undercover Fed Agents Walking Down Sidewalk on Jan 6


By Patty McMurray


In September 2021, we shared a hilarious videotaped skit by the Babylon Bee, a right-leaning satire site, that mocked the FBI and how agents are being used by leadership to set up conservatives, specifically Trump-supporting conservatives in America. The video depicts FBI agents orchestrating a domestic terror attack on the Capitol (think Jan 6th).

At the 2:12 mark, an undercover FBI agent wearing a fake bomb around his waist begins to rat out the others in the room when he begins to recall happier times when the agents in the room worked together to create a phony kidnapping plot against the Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and how they built a Lego model of the Capitol together.

The FBI agents realize they are the only ones in on the January 6th Capitol “insurrection plot” and that there are no actual Trump supporters in the room. So they put down their guns, and the ringleader suggests they move forward with the plot to set up the Trump supporters—because, after all, they don’t want to let all of their hard work go to waste.





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